FAIR - Families Acting for Innocent Relatives

FAIR was formed by victims to support and give a voice to those who had suffered
during the Troubles in South Armagh.

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FAIR - Here to Help


Formed in 1998 we have been helping victims for over 25 Years.


In that time we have helped hundreds of victims with thousands of issues.


Our support services help victims rebuild their lives.


We provide a range of services to help victims on their journey of recovery.


We work with a range of stakeholders, statutory agencies and service providers.


We give victims a voice and help them tell their story.

Remembering Those We Lost

South Armagh was the frontline in a terrorist campaign which saw some of the worst atrocities in the Troubles. We remember those who were so cruelly taken from us and commemorate the sacrifice of those who protected us.

Fighting for Truth and Justice

To this day the victims of South Armagh have not seen truth or justice. Many of those responsible for atrocities in the 1970s were still involved in mass murder in the 1990s. We camping to hold them accountable to establish the truth about the Troubles.

A Piece Missing in the Peace Process

Formed in 1998 to give a voice to victims in the Peace Process we are still campaigning for a fair deal for victims. A quarter of a century later the last piece of the Northern Ireland Peace Process is still missing!

The Missing Piece

As the Northern Ireland Peace process moved towards conclusion of a deal in 1998, it became painfully clear that the price of including terrorists was to exclude their victims.

In our 25 years of service we have developed and sourced a range of services which  provide practical support and care for the bereaved and injured.

As a membership led group we focus on the needs of the individual and take the time to listen to them and ensure that the service we provide is particular to their needs.

Those needs are often individual and develop over time. They reflect where the person is in their own lives and journey. This means that a ‘one size fits all’ approach cannot be applied. We not only work with victims but walk with them every step of the way.

For some its is a desire for truth and justice which motivates them. Their future depends on how we can help them deal with the past. This means providing advocacy and legal support as they navigate the often complicated and frustrating criminal justice system.

For others it is a desire to be heard, to tell their story and to have the space and support to process the trauma of the past. As many of our members are older the services they require focus on addressing the loss they suffered. Loneliness, the loss of a loved one and the practical needs that creates in life are the main issues.

So our services range from advocacy to health and well being.

Find Out More about our Services

FAIR provides a range of services both in house and through a range of trusted providers













Exploring our Services

Speak to us Today to find out more about the services and support we provide

Edgar Graham Anniversary

Reflection of the life and death of Human Rights lawyer Edgar Graham

Festival of Remembrance 2023

FAIR attend the Festival of Remembrance in Belfast 2023

Sam Malcolmson

Interview with Sam Malcolmson, former RUC officer injured in an ambush

Big Breakfast Fundraiser

Big Breakfast Fundraiser for FAIR

Victims Commissioner Resigns

Victims Commissioner Ian Jeffers Resigns

International Congress of Victims of Terrorism

FAIR played an important role in the International Congress for Victims of Terrorism