FAIR Memorial Quilts Display
As part of Orange Victims Day, the Museum of Orange Heritage at Sloan's House, Loughgall, hosted a display of quilts made by members of Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR). The quilts were hand stitched by members of the group to act as a lasting personal memorial to some of the worst atrocities committed during the Troubles.

and showed the FAIR DVD, also the Grand Lodge Murdered Brethren Committee DVD - "Strong To Survive". Most Wor Sir Knt Rev William Anderson, Sovereign Grand Master of the Royal Black Institution, led an Act of Remembrance in the Museum which was attended by some relatives of the 68 brethren from Co Armagh who were murdered during the Troubles.
Pictured in the Garden of Remembrance and at the front of the Museum are the Museum Directors, Sir Knt Rev Anderson and Molly Carson MBE from FAIR; also Sir Knt Anderson conducting the Act of Remembrance in the Museum Meeting Room. #orangevictimsday