It is a part of our long term vision at FAIR to continue the development of our ‘Living’ Memorial Centre as a monument to the many innocent people murdered at the hands of terrorists in the south Armagh area. It is envisaged as a means by which the histories and memories of those innocent people who suffered and were killed in the troubles can be preserved and given their rightful honour.

To raise funds for the development of the centre we have a number of avenues to pursue. Please continue on to our funding page to find out how you can help. You can also donate online using a credit card. Just click here and follow instructions.

In this area particularly but throughout Northern Ireland the violence and terror of the troubles has disrupted and destroyed many lives. For all this suffering and pain experienced by so many there has as yet been no recognition shown either by the authorities or by those that inflicted it. Instead we have seen over these recent years the establishing of terrorists into the government and amnesties and releases of perpetrators in the name of progress and peace.

As victims we have been forgotten about for the sake of political expediency, but as the people who have suffered and lot the most during the troubles we feel our feelings and deprivations need to be addressed. We feel it is high time that what happened to us is remembered and recognised by all. This way we hope that we can all move on.

Our proposed Living Memorial Centre will comprise a number of facilities to serve many purposes. As its focus the center will have a Memorial Garden with the names of all the innocent victims of terrorist violence in Northern Ireland during the troubles engraved upon stone. This is to allow those who have lost loved ones to be able to reflect on their loss. It will also bring home to other visitors the great sacrifice made by so many to maintain law and order.

The centre will present a exhibition style chronology and display of the history of human rights abuse and atrocities that have taken place over the years in this area. It is our desire that this will be both educational and of interest to as wide an audience as possible. It is also to ensure that atrocities like these never go unnoticed again whereby instead of justice being delivered the Republican movement actually thrived using these atrocities for propaganda purposes, as we foolishly sat back and said nothing.

The center will contain a multi-functional hall providing the area with a facility capable of being used by the local community for sporting and social events. The center is also planned to provide I.T. tuition, a Human Rights Library, Counselling Service, Befriending Service, a youth outreach, disablement rehabilitation facilities and archives which will be of benefit to both the members of the group and the wider populace. It is to be a centre where victims can feel that they belong and where they will get support in their pursuit for justice.

To help build peace through education the majority of the people that were murdered by the terrorists received little and sometimes nothing by way of compensation. The very least that we can do is to try and remember them and help the next generation so they do not have to go through the same horrendous slaughter. It is not that we can replace the empty chairs at the dinner table but at the very least we can show their loved ones that their communities do care.

Please carry on to find out what you can do to help.