FAIR keeps the memory of victims alive and ensures that at the going down of the sun
and in the morning 'We Remember Them'
We Will Remember Them
Families Acting for Innocent Relatives has pledged itself to commemorate the victims of terrorism.
South Armagh became known as the ‘killing fields’ as hundreds of murders were carried out often by terrorists who found a safe haven across the border.
As a group we aim to remember those who were cruelly taken from us. Many were our family and friends, others were the brave young men of the British Army sent here to protect us.
Our commemorative work also aims to celebrate the lives and legacies of those we lost. We remember them through traditional memorial events like services and parades, war memorials and graves.
We also keep their memory alive through art and very personal ways such as memorial quilts, paintings, and other community art.
Finally we aim to develop community and folk memory which will be instructional for future generations.
We Will Remember Them
Commemorating Lost Lives
Lasting memorials to victims and events pay respect to the dead and are a reminder to us all.
Memorial Services are organised each year to mark the anniversary of atrocities committed.
Memorials designed and crafted locally range from quilts and banners to paintings and drums form a rich heritage.
Remember and Reflect With Us
When You go Home Tell them of Us and say, For Your Tomorrow We Gave Our Today.

Commemoration in Stone, Stitch and Services
Each Year we mark the victims in new ways to ensure that their memory never fades. We also want to show that terrorism can never win.
A Stitch in Time
Our Memorial Quilts tell a story of suffering and are a very personal tribute to the victims.