Supporting Victims
Since 1998 FAIR has provided support for victims on the ground.
Victim Support
We have campaigned and secured compensation and commemoration for the fallen. Our voice and vision has shaped victims support and services as we responded to consultations and collaborated with other victims groups for a fair deal.
Our work began with an assessment of the needs of victims. That focused on what sort of support they wanted. For the first time victims had a voice and they shared their vision of the future.
They spoke of their desire for ‘real peace’ which was based on truth and justice. Their desire was for an end to terrorism with a full acknowledgement of how they had suffered.
In the decades which followed FAIR has supported thousands of victims in their own very personal journeys towards a more peaceful future where they can fulfil their own dreams and resale their potential.

Remembering the Past Preparing for the Future
FAIR has been supporting victims since 1998 and now offer a range of support programmes.
Supporting Victims
Speak to us Today to find out more about the services and support we provide
Following the Football
FAIR members enjoyed a great night at the National Stadium - Windsor Park
Introduction to Inquests
There is only one way to start the day properly and that's with a tasty brunch at The Potting Shed.
FAIR First Aid
FAIR First Aid and Defibrillator training